
Check out the lab's and its member's recent activities

event 2025
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We plan to hold our next lab tour (in Japanese) on Mar. 21, 2025. If you are interested, please fill out the Google Form.
event 2024
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We plan to hold our next lab tour (in Japanese) on Dec. 13, 2024. If you are interested, please fill out the Google Form.
Discord server available now!
Our paper was accepted: Yuya Sasaki, Panagiotis Karras. Mining Path Association Rules in Large Property Graphs, Proceedings of 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2024)
Our paper was accepted: Kazuki Nakajima, Yuya Sasaki, Sohei Tokuno, George Fletcher. Quantifying Gendered Citation Imbalance in Computer Science Conferences, Proceedings of 7th AAAI Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES 2024)
Our paper was accepted: Yuchen Ji, Daichi Amagata, Yuya Sasaki, and Takahiro Hara. SAFE: Sampling-Assisted Fast Learned Cardinality Estimation for Dynamic Spatial Data, Proceedings of 35th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2024)
Our paper was accepted: Yuto Ikeda, Chuan Xiao, Onizuka Makoto. An Efficient Diversity-Aware Method for the Empty-Answer Problem, DOLAP
Our paper was accepted: Yuya Ogasa, Tomoyuki Kajiwara, and Yuki Arase. Controllable Paraphrase Generation for Semantic and Lexical Similarities, LREC-COLING 2024
event 2023
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Our paper was accepted: Koji Matsuda, Yuya Sasaki, Chuan Xiao, Makoto Onizuka. Benchmark for Personalized Federated Learning. IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society.
Naoki Chihara, Naoki Takata, Yasuhiro Fujiwara, Koki Noda, K. Toyoda, K. Higuchi, Makoto Onizuka: Effective detection of variable celestial objects using machine learning-based periodic analysis. Astron. Comput. 45: 100765 (2023)
Our paper was accepted: Ryota Miyano, Tomoyuki Kajiwara, and Yuki Arase. Self-Ensemble of N-best Generation Hypotheses by Lexically Constrained Decoding. The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)
Our paper was received Best industry paper award in MDM2023: Yuya Sasaki, Junya Takayama, Juan Ramón Santana, Shohei Yamasaki, Tomoya Okuno, Makoto Onizuka. Predicting Parking Lot Availability by Graph-to-Sequence Model: A Case Study with SmartSantander. The 24th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM) 2023.
Ryuichi Ito, Seng Pei Liew, Tsubasa Takahashi, Yuya Sasaki, Makoto Onizuka: Scaling Private Deep Learning with Low-rank and Sparse Gradients. J. Inf. Process. 31: 748-757 (2023)
Junya Arai, Yasuhiro Fujiwara, Makoto Onizuka: GuP: Fast Subgraph Matching by Guard-based Pruning. Proc. ACM Manag. Data 1(2): 167:1-167:26 (2023)
Our paper was accepted: Sora Kadotani and Yuki Arase. Monolingual Phrase Alignment as Parse Forest Mapping, in Proc. of the Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2023), (July 2023).
Our paper was accepted: Shohei Yamasaki, Yuya Sasaki, Panagiotis Karras and Makoto Onizuka. Holistic Prediction on a Time-Evolving Attributed Graph. ACL2023
Our paper was accepted: Yuki Arase, Han Bao and Sho Yokoi. “Unbalanced Optimal Transport for Unbalanced Word Alignment”, in proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2023
Our paper was accepted: Yuya Sasaki, Junya Takayama, Juan Ramón Santana, Shohei Yamasaki, Tomoya Okuno, Makoto Onizuka. Predicting Parking Lot Availability by Graph-to-Sequence Model: A Case Study with SmartSantander. MDM2023
Our paper was accepted: Keizo Hori, Yuya Sasaki, Daichi Amagata, Yuki Murosaki, and Makoto Onizuka. Learned Spatial Data Partitioning. aiDM
Our paper was accepted: Seiji Maekawa, Yuya Sasaki, George Fletcher, Makoto Onizuka. GenCAT: Generating Attributed Graphs with Controlled Relationships between Classes, Attributes, and Topology. Information systems
event 2022
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Our paper was accepted: Kejing Lu, Yoshiharu Ishikawa, Chuan Xiao. MQH: Locality Sensitive Hashing on Multi-level Quantization Errors for Point-to-Hyperplane Distances. PVLDB
Our paper was accepted: Si-qing Xu, Hong-di He, Ming-ke Yang, Cui-lin Wu, Xing-hang Zhu, Zhong-ren Peng, Yuya Sasaki, Kenji Doi , Shinji Shimojo, To what extent the traffic restriction policies can improve its air quality? An inspiration from COVID-19, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
Our paper was accepted: Seiji Maekawa, Dan Zhang, Hannah Kim, Sajjadur Rahman and Estevam Hruschka. Low-resource Interactive Active Labeling for Fine-tuning Language Models, Findings of Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP2022), December 2022
Our paper was accepted: Y. Arase, S. Uchida, and T. Kajiwara. CEFR-based Sentence Difficulty Annotation and Assessment, in Proc. of Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP2022) (Dec. 2022 to appear).
Our paper was accepted: Seiji Maekawa, Koki Noda, Yuya Sasaki, Makoto Onizuka, Beyond Real-world Benchmark Datasets: An Empirical Study of Node Classification with GNNs, Datasets and Benchmarks Track of NeurIPS2022
Our paper was accepted: Yuya Sasaki, Cost-constrained Minimal Steiner Tree Enumeration, CIKM2022
Yuya Sasaki gave invited talks entitled "Path search on graphs" and "On discovering discriminatory bias in graphs" at the Aarhus workshop on Graph Access and Analysis held at Aarhus University (Denmark)
Our paper was accepted: Seiji Maekawa, Yuya Sasaki, George Fletcher, Makoto Onizuka, Benchmarking GNNs with GenCAT Workbench, Demo track of the ECML/PKDD2022
Our paper was accepted: Seiji Maekawa, Yuya Sasaki, George Fletcher, Makoto Onizuka, GNN Transformation Framework for Improving Efficiency and Scalability, ECML/PKDD2022
Our paper was accepted: Yuya Sasaki, Kei Harada, Shohei Yamasaki, Makoto Onizuka, AIREX: Neural Network-based Approach for Air Quality Inference in Unmonitored Cities, MDM2022
Our paper was accepted: Koji Matsuda, Yuya Sasaki, Chuan Xiao, Makoto Onizuka, FedMe: Federated Learning via Model Exchange., SDM22
Our paper was accepted: Yuya Sasaki, A Performance Study of One-dimensional Learned Cardinality Estimation, DOLAP
Our paper was accepted: Misato Horiuchi, Yuya Sasaki, Chuan Xiao, Makoto Onizuka, JupySim: Jupyter Notebook Similarity Search System, EDBT2022
Our paper was accepted: Seiji Maekawa, Makoto Onizuka, Effective Candidate Selection and Interpretable Interest Extraction for Follower Prediction on Social Media, WI-IAT2021 . (collaborated with Hotto Link Inc.)
event 2021
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Our paper was accepted: Yuya Sasaki and Makoto Onizuka, Language-aware Indexing for Conjunctive Path Queries, ICDE2022
Our paper was accepted: Yuya Sasaki, A Survey on IoT Big Data Analytic Systems: Current and Future, IEEE Internet of Things Journal
Our paper was accepted: Yuya Ogawa, Seiji Maekawa, Yuya Sasaki, Yasuhiro Fujiwara, Makoto Onizuka, Adaptive Node Embedding Propagation for Semi-Supervised Classification ECML PKDD 2021
Our paper was accepted: Sora Ohashi, Junya Takayama, Tomoyuki Kajiwara and Yuki Arase, Distinct Label Representations for Few-Shot Text Classification, ACL2021
Our paper was accepted: Jianbin Qin, Wei Wang, Chuan Xiao, Ying Zhang, and Yaoshu Wang, High-Dimensional Similarity Query Processing for Data Science, KDD2021
Our paper was accepted: Yaoshu Wang, Chuan Xiao, Jianbin Qin, Rui Mao, Makoto Onizuka, Wei Wang, Rui Zhang, and Yoshiharu Ishikawa, Consistent and Flexible Selectivity Estimation for High-Dimensional Data, SIGMOD 2021
Our paper was accepted: Yuyang Dong, Kunihiro Takeoka, Chuan Xiao, and Masafumi Oyamada, Efficient Joinable Table Discovery in Data Lakes: A High-Dimensional Similarity-Based Approach, ICDE 2021
Ikeda, Kato, Kasai, Karube, Kawamoto, Matsumoto, Ogasa and Chihara were assigned as Undergraduate students. Kawagoshi and Yanabu were assigned as Master Course students.
event 2020
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Our paper was accepted: S. Ohashi, M. Isogawa, T. Kajiwara and Y. Arase: Tiny Word Embeddings Using Globally Informed Reconstruction, in Proc. of International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING2020), (Dec. 2020 to appear).
Our paper was accepted: J. Takayama and Y. Arase, Consistent Response Generation with Controlled Specificity, EMNLP-Findings.
Our paper was accepted: Y. Arase and J. Tsujii, Compositional Phrase Alignment and Beyond, EMNLP 2020.
Our paper was accepted: Jianbin Qin, Wei Wang, Chuan Xiao, Ying Zhang, Similarity Query Processing for High-Dimensional Data, In Proceedings of the Very Large Data Bases Endowment, Vol.13, No.12, pp.3437-3440, August 2020
Our paper was accepted: Satoshi Koide, Chuan Xiao, Yoshiharu Ishikawa, Fast Subtrajectory Similarity Search in Road Networks under Weighted Edit Distance Constraints, In Proceedings of the Very Large Data Bases Endowment, Vol.13, No.11, pp.2188-2201, July 2020.
Our paper was accepted: Shinya Yamada, Shohei Yamasaki, Tomoya Okuno, Kei Harada, Yuki Sasaki, Makoto Onizuka. Are Satellite Images Effective for Estimating Land Prices on Deep Neural Network Models?, in Proceedings of MobiSocial 2020.
Okada, Norimatsu, Horiuchi, Matsuda, Nattapong, Zetsu and Nakanishi were assigned as Undergraduate students. Hori and Kuntian were assigned as Master Course students.
Our paper accepted: Sora Ohashi, Junya Takayama, Tomoyuki Kajiwara, Chenhui Chu and Yuki Arase. "Text Classification with Negative Supervision." In Proceedings of ACL2020.
Assistant Professor Sasaki received Kasami Award.
event 2019
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Our paper accepted: Yaoshu Wang, Chuan Xiao, Jianbin Qin, Xin Cao, Yifang Sun, Wei Wang, Makoto Onizuka. Monotonic Cardinality Estimation of Similarity Selection: A Deep Learning Approach. In Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), June 2020.
We tripped to Kinosaki Onsen.
Our paper accepted: Yuki Arase and Jun’ichi Tsujii. Transfer Fine-Tuning: A BERT Case Study. (The former title is Injecting Phrasal Paraphrase Relation into Sentence Representation for Semantic Equivalence Assessment) In Proceedings of EMNLP2019.
Our paper was accepted: Kozo Chikai, Junya Takayama, Yuki Arase. Responsive and Self-Expressive Dialogue Generation, in Proceedings of ACL 2019 Workshop on NLP for Conversational AI [Source Code]
Our paper was accepted: Junya Takayama, Yuki Arase. Relevant and Informative Response Generation using Pointwise Mutual Information, in Proceedings of ACL 2019 Workshop on NLP for Conversational AI
Our paper was accepted: Koji Tanaka, Junya Takayama, Yuki Arase. Dialogue-Act Prediction of Future Response based on Conversation History, in Proceedings of the ACL 2019 Student Research Workshop
Our paper was accepted: Daiki Nishihara, Tomoyuki Kajiwara, Yuki Arase. Controllable Text Simplification with Lexical Constraint Loss, in Proceedings of the ACL 2019 Student Research Workshop
Our paper was accepted: Wataru Hirota, Yoshihiko Suhara, Behzad Golshan, Wang-Chiew Tan. Semantic Cross-lingual Sentence Embeddings, in Proceedings of ACL 2019 Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP
Our paper was accepted: Sasaki. Efficient Framework for Processing Top-k Queries with Replication in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, GeoInformatica
Kadotani and Senoo were assigned as Undergraduate students.
The introduction of our laboratory will be held from April 26, 2019 (Friday) 13:00, May 17, 2019 (Friday) 13:00, June 14, 2019 (Friday) 14:40. Please contact us in advance if you would like to participate.
Miyake, Yamaguchi, Yamada, Yoshinaka, Mishra and Higashi were assigned as Undergraduate students. Okuno, and Nakamachi was assigned as Master Course students.
Specially-Appointed Associate Professor Chuan Xiao has arrived.
Our paper was accepted: MISCELA: Harada, Sasaki and Onizuka, Discovering Correlated Attribute Patterns in Time Series Sensor Data, MDM 2019
Our paper was accepted: Matsumoto, Sasaki and Onizuka, Data Slice Search for Local Outlier View Detection: A Case Study in Fashion EC, DARLI-AP
event 2018
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Our paper was accepted: Sasaki. Road Segment Interpolation for Incomplete Road Data. , BigComp2019
Our paper was accepted: Mutinda, Sasaki, Onizuka. Time Series Link Prediction using NMF., BigComp2019
Our paper was accepted: Sasaki, Fujiwara and Onizuka, Efficient Network Reliability Computation in Uncertain Graphs., EDBT2019
Assistant Professor Sasaki gave a lecture titled "Smart City Data Utilization - the case of Smart Santander –" in The Second Joint Workshop on Smart City between Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Osaka University.
We organized a workshop, The second joint Korea-Japan workshop on management of data 2018. imageopen_in_new
Dennis-Florian Herr (Technical University of Munich) is assigned as FrontierLab International Special Research Student for 7 months.
Fabian Kaiser (Heidelberg University) is assigned as FrontierLab Program International Student for 5 months.
JingJing Jia (UC Berkeley) was assigned as FrontierLab Summer Program International Student during 2 months.
Associate Professor George Fletcher has arrived. The period is from May 1st to December 31st.
Katsuragi and Yamauchi were assigned as Undergraduate students.
Li Ke (Nanjing University) was assigned as Exchange Student during 6 months.
Ohashi, Ogawa, Nishihara, and Yamasaki were assigned as Undergraduate students. Hirota was assigned as Master Course students. Hayakawa was assigned as Ph.D. student.
Osaka University and NTT organized a workshop, Big Data analysis technology -- efficient graph mining changes the world --
Professor Onizuka gave an invited lecture at Shimane Institute for Industrial Technology
event 2017
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Yasuhiko Kanemasa, Chihiro Kato and Shinya Kitajima (Fujitsu) gave a lecture.
Professor Onizuka gave a keynote lecture titled "Trend and applications of Big Data and IoT techniques" at SoICT 2017.
We held a research discussion with Woo-Shin Han's laboratory at Postech.
Our paper was accepted: Sasaki, Fujiwara and Onizuka, Sequenced Route Query with Semantic Hierarchy., EDBT2018
At the ideaton organized by NTT Docomo, Professor Onizuka gave a special lecture.
Professor Onizuka gave a presentation titled "Efficient data analysis on distributed environment" at KJDB 2017.
Hu Shuguang (The University of Hong Kong) was assigned as intern during 6 months.
Nakashima received the student award at WebDB Forum 2017.
Our paper received the paper award runners-up at WebDB Forum 2017.
Associate Professor Arase presented a paper at EMNLP2017 held in Copenhagen : Yuki Arase and Jun'ichi Tsujii: Monolingual Phrase Alignment on Parse Forests, Proc. of Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP2017), pp. 1-11.
FrontierLab International Student Yeh Mei-Cih received the Best Presentation Award in FrontierLab@OsakaU Final Presentation. The title of the presentation is "Paraphrase Generation with Templates mined from the Web". imageopen_in_new
Professor Onizuka lectured at ISCIE.
Professor Onizuka moderated at OACIS symposium.
Wu Rachael Yujie (UC Berkeley) was assigned as FrontierLab Summer Program International Student during 2 months.
Mr.Kaigai (NEC) gave a lecture.
Dr.Kawashima (University of Tsukuba) gave a lecture.
Dr.Fujiwara (NTT) gave a lecture.
Dr.Hagita and Dr.Miyashita (ATR) gave a lecture.
Mr.Arai (NTT) gave a lecture.
Mr.Kajiwara (Tokyo Metropolitan University) gave a lecture.
Miura and Wakuta were assigned as Undergraduate students.
Ashihara, Soga, Tanaka, Harada and Afifah were assigned as Undergraduate students. Takayama, Maekawa and Yuan were assigned as Master Course students. Arai was assigned as Ph.D. student.
Our paper was accepted: Fujiwara, Scaling Locally Linear Embedding, SIGMOD2017.
Our paper was accepted: Onizuka and Fujimori, Graph partitioning for distributed graph processing.., Data Science and Engineering.
Our paper was accepted: Fujiwara and Onizuka, Fast Ad-hoc Search Algorithm for Personalized PageRank, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems.
event 2016
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Our paper was accepted: Mizuno, Sasaki, and Onizuka, Efficient Data Slice Search for Exceptional View Detection, DOLAP.
Maekawa and Yuan was assigned as research students.