Make the Big Data Revolution
The research fields of Big data, IoT, natural language processing, data mining,
and artificial intelligence receive huge attention in the world.
We create new visions for the future in these fields
by collaborating with world-leading researchers.
We also engage in the research on the theory and practice
by applying our research outputs to the Big Data in the real world.
Big data is priceless and has infinite power.
We leverage ICT and Big Data to make the world a better place.
Work together with us to lead the Big Data Revolution.
Latest News
2024/7/19 Our paper was accepted: Yuya Sasaki, Panagiotis Karras. Mining Path Association Rules in Large Property Graphs, Proceedings of 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2024)
2024/7/18 Our paper was accepted: Kazuki Nakajima, Yuya Sasaki, Sohei Tokuno, George Fletcher. Quantifying Gendered Citation Imbalance in Computer Science Conferences, Proceedings of 7th AAAI Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES 2024)
2024/5/15 Our paper was accepted: Yuchen Ji, Daichi Amagata, Yuya Sasaki, and Takahiro Hara. SAFE: Sampling-Assisted Fast Learned Cardinality Estimation for Dynamic Spatial Data, Proceedings of 35th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2024)
2024/3/8 Our paper was accepted: Yuto Ikeda, Chuan Xiao, Onizuka Makoto. An Efficient Diversity-Aware Method for the Empty-Answer Problem, DOLAP
2024/2/19 Our paper was accepted: Yuya Ogasa, Tomoyuki Kajiwara, and Yuki Arase. Controllable Paraphrase Generation for Semantic and Lexical Similarities, LREC-COLING 2024
Researchers at companies or universities
We promote collaborative researches with various companies and universities.
Researchers interested in working together can send an email to Prof. Onizuka for further information.